2023 KARP AiR Program


This is the seventh year that KARP organize international residency program and it will be unique, because in addition to the experience of the residence in the ruins of Kamina, the organizers decided to introduce a new initiative, i.e. the È WÁARÍ Street Art Festival, thus opening the residency program to the local audience.

The two-week stay of international artists will be divided into two parts.

In the first week, visits will be organized in the region, such as at the ministry, tourism and arts center, during which the local authorities will present the ongoing cultural development of the region. This week will be devoted to the implementation and realization of own projects, which will finally be shown at the exhibition during the festival.

The second week, during which the program of the festival will be realized, during which the participants of the residency will have the opportunity to get to know the local culture, creativity, while sharing their own experiences with other artists.

Work in progress, Kamina
Stefan’s Balog Exhibition “Unis par l’art”, Atakpamé
trip to the Cascade de Kpimé, Cascade de Womé
Final exhibition, Kamina

2022 KARP AiR Program


The main goal of KARP2022 is to look back on what has been done during the residency through an introspective exhibition at the Geothe institution in Lome-Togo and to organize a two weeks residency to give a voice to Karmina radio and artistic creators around the world. The Kamina ruins became a forgotten place removed from the world’s attention. The realization of Art Centre, an Artistic platform has given a new life to the place and has played a major role in history, unveiling Germany’s colonial past and recognizing the diversity of history’s interpretations.

If there are one thing artists, writers, curators and researchers yearn for, it’s a unique voice. Voice is a philosophy or an idea that weaves through and links together a body of works produced by creative inspirers. That thing that makes one unique and authentic to his or her audience. The KARP 2022 residency will help creators to find a voice or develop already found voices. It will help artists to examine their work theme, know what their work is about and be aware of the aesthetic being explored. Having an opportunity to participate in the KARP2022 RESIDENCY will help the artist and researchers define, refine and find their voice in the contemporary space as they meet different international and local artists around the globe

Work in progress, Kamina
Visiting Local Market, Atakpamé
Relaxing and visiting Kamina Ruins, Kamina
Exhibition opening, Kamina
Opening the “Retrospective” exhibition in Goethe Istitute Togo, Lomé

2019 KARP AiR Program


Renewing cultural heritage involves preserving and restoring traditional practices, artifacts, and sites that are important to a particular culture or geographic area. It also includes preserving or restoring buildings, monuments, ceremonies, and artwork. It is a reviving of traditional language, music, and stories. Renewing cultural heritage can also include teaching the importance of the culture’s history and traditions to younger generations and artist. This helps ensure that its knowledge is not lost and can be appreciated by everyone in the world. For this reason KARP becomes the main place for international communication and exchange, bringing together artists, researchers and educators to renew the Culture heritage of Kamina Radio and Power station heritage site and Atakpamé district.

Artworks realized during the program, Kamina

2018 KARP AiR Program


The story can be “true” of the one that has been told to us. What is the true story behind the Kamina radio station? Who were the workers forced to build this wireless station? Are they unknown or just forgotten? Is about time to unearth the true story, for that reason artist and researchers meets to research and unearth the true story behind the History, bring a new life create an art center.
The realization of the Art Center, the Artistic Platform, breathes new life into a place that has played an important role in world history, revealing Germany’s colonial past and recognizing the diversity of interpretations of history.

The historic heritage site of Kamina radio and power station is an inspiration and a meeting place for the local community and the international artistic community. A space for a contemporary reinterpretation of historical events that combine different cultures, traditions and stories.
The aim of the project is to create an interdisciplinary art activity for national and international artists in Kamina, Togo.

Artworks realized during the program, Kamina
Artworks realized during the program, Kamina

2017 KARP AiR Program


The KARP 2017 residency program is to allow artists, anthropologists and historians to investigate and create on the theme “About Time”. The theme is about the reflection over 100 years historical facts of Radio Kamina and the placement of it within the contemporary discourse in helping to shape the content of future references to the great World War I and its colonial past.

Artworks realized during the program, Kamina

2016 KARP AiR Program


It was the birth of Kamina artist platform. The rebirth of a buried History of Kamina Radio and power station. The aim of the project is to create an interdisciplinary art activity for national and international artists in Kamina, Togo.
The arm is KARP will become the main place for international communication and exchange, bringing together artists, researchers and educators.
The program was also to focus on revitalizing textile and agricultural production by stimulating arts education and promoting local talents, craft skills, traditional forms of architecture and environmental protection.

Artworks realized during the program, Kamina